“Chor Dil,” a 2024 Punjabi-language crime comedy directed by Jangvir Singh, offers a unique blend of humor and intrigue. The film stars Jagjeet Sandhu as Guri, a man who, after receiving a heart transplant from a dying gangster, develops an uncontrollable urge to steal. This unexpected compulsion leads him into a series of heists alongside newfound partners, unraveling secrets tied to his donor’s past and culminating in a quest for hidden treasure.
Critics have praised “Chor Dil” for its witty writing and the exceptional chemistry between the lead actors. Punjabi Mania describes the film as “a hilarious ride that redefines comedy in Punjabi cinema,” noting that it captivates audiences with its engaging storyline. Audience reviews echo this sentiment, highlighting the film’s lighthearted entertainment value and its departure from more serious subjects. One viewer remarked that it provides “much-needed laughter” in today’s fast-paced world.
IMDb Rating: 8.0/10
Genres: Crime
Language: Punjabi [ORG]
Quality: 1080p 720p 480p WEB-DL x264
Director: Jangvir Singh
Writers: Jangvir Singh
Stars: Rana Jung Bahadur, Darryl Bradford, Fida Gill
Storyline: After a man receives the heart of a former gangster in a transplant operation, he finds himself drawn to a life of crime in this madcap Punjabi language crime caper.
☆ Download in 1080p Quality – File Size: 2.4GB ☆
☆ Download in 720p Quality – File Size: 1.1GB ☆
☆ Download in 480p Quality – File Size: 428MB ☆
The film’s supporting cast, including Fida Gill and Rana Jung Bahadur, deliver commendable performances that enhance the narrative’s depth and humor. The direction by Jangvir Singh is noted for its ability to balance comedic elements with a crime caper plot, creating a madcap adventure that keeps viewers engaged throughout its 2-hour and 14-minute runtime.
For those interested in watching “Chor Dil,” the film is available in high-definition formats with original Punjabi audio. Platforms like VegaMovies offer download options ranging from 480p to 1080p WEB-DL x264, catering to various viewing preferences. This accessibility ensures that audiences can enjoy the film’s vibrant storytelling and comedic flair at their convenience.
In summary, “Chor Dil” stands out as a refreshing addition to Punjabi cinema, combining elements of crime and comedy to deliver an entertaining experience. Its unique premise, strong performances, and engaging script make it a must-watch for fans of the genre.