“Extra Ordinary” (2019) is a delightful blend of comedy, fantasy, and horror, set against the backdrop of rural Ireland. Directed by Mike Ahern and Enda Loughman, the film delivers a fresh, quirky take on the supernatural genre. Written by Demian Fox, Maeve Higgins, and Mike Ahern, the movie deftly mixes humor with a heartfelt story about a woman struggling with her supernatural gifts. Available in both Hindi ORG and English ORG, “Extra Ordinary” offers a fun, offbeat ride for audiences looking for something both funny and fantastical. Presented in 720p and 480p BluRay x264, the film’s visual quality is as strong as its storytelling.
The story centers around Rose Dooley, a sweet but lonely driving instructor with a love-hate relationship with her supernatural abilities. Rose, played by Maeve Higgins, is a medium who can communicate with spirits, but she prefers to keep her distance from the paranormal world. Living in a small Irish town, she constantly tries to ignore the bizarre requests from locals seeking her help with exorcising haunted objects—from possessed trash bins to restless gravel. Her quiet life of driving lessons and avoiding the supernatural takes an unexpected turn when Martin Martin, a local widower played by Barry Ward, seeks her assistance. His daughter has fallen under a mysterious spell, and Rose is reluctantly pulled into a battle with dark forces to save her.
IMDb Rating: 6.4/10
Genres: Comedy, Fantasy, Horror
Language: [Hindi ORG – English ORG]
Quality: 720p 480p BluRay x264
Director: Mike Ahern, Enda Loughman
Writers: Demian Fox, Maeve Higgins, Mike Ahern
Stars: Maeve Higgins, Barry Ward, Will Forte
Storyline: Rose, a sweet, lonely driving instructor in rural Ireland, is gifted with supernatural abilities. Rose has a love/hate relationship with her ‘talents’ & tries to ignore the constant spirit related requests from locals – to exorcise possessed rubbish bins or haunted gravel. But! Christian Winter, a washed up, one-hit-wonder rock star, has made a pact with the devil for a return to greatness! He puts a spell on a local teenager- making her levitate. Her terrified father, Martin Martin, asks Rose to help save his daughter. Rose has to overcome the fear of her supernatural gift & work with Martin to save the girl, get the guy and be home in time for a light snack…maybe a yogurt or something…
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☆ Download in 480p Quality – File Size: 339MB ☆
The antagonist of the story, Christian Winter, portrayed by Will Forte, is a washed-up, one-hit-wonder rock star who has made a pact with the devil in a desperate bid to revive his fading fame. Winter’s outlandish plan involves sacrificing a local teenager to regain his status, which leads to the bizarre and often hilarious events that unfold. The absurdity of Winter’s character adds a comedic touch to the darker elements of the story, blending the horror and fantasy elements in a playful, lighthearted way.
At the heart of “Extra Ordinary” is Rose’s internal struggle with her abilities and her own self-worth. While she’s reluctant to use her gifts, she ultimately finds herself in a position where she has no choice but to embrace them for the greater good. Her partnership with Martin Martin, a man equally burdened by supernatural troubles, forms the emotional core of the film. The chemistry between Higgins and Ward is endearing, and their awkward, bumbling attempts to face the supernatural threats create some of the film’s most memorable moments.
What sets “Extra Ordinary” apart is its ability to find humor in the mundane and ridiculous in the supernatural. The film’s humor is deeply rooted in its characters, particularly in Rose’s reluctance to accept her role as a medium and the outlandish antics of Will Forte’s washed-up rock star. The film doesn’t rely on over-the-top special effects but instead focuses on its characters’ reactions to the strange situations they face, which makes it both hilarious and relatable. For those seeking a unique cinematic experience, “Extra Ordinary” is available on streaming platforms such as VegaMovies. This platform allows audiences to enjoy the film in both Hindi ORG and English ORG, offering high-quality streaming options in 720p and 480p. It is an ideal choice for viewers who want a blend of quirky humor, heartwarming moments, and supernatural intrigue, all packaged in a highly enjoyable film.